Rural Economic Development:

    • Celebrate the traditional values of our rural communities and prioritize economic policies that align with conservative principles.

    • Emphasize the role of self-reliance and entrepreneurship in fostering economic growth in our small towns.

    • Champion limited government and reduce regulatory burdens to empower local businesses and agriculture.

    • Advocate for tax cuts and incentives that encourage private investment and job creation in rural areas.

    • Promote conservative fiscal responsibility in managing public funds for infrastructure projects that directly benefit our rural communities.

Water Issues:

    • Recognize the conservative values of responsible resource management and stewardship of our natural resources.

    • Emphasize the importance of local control and property rights in addressing water scarcity challenges.

    • Support market-based solutions and property rights protections to encourage responsible water use in agriculture and industry.

    • Advocate for state-led initiatives that prioritize local decision-making and resist federal overreach in water management.

    • Promote conservation efforts through voluntary, community-driven initiatives rather than government mandates.

Public Safety in Rural Areas:

    • Highlight the conservative commitment to law and order, emphasizing the role of strong communities in maintaining public safety.

    • Acknowledge the need for a balanced approach to law enforcement that respects individual freedoms.

    • Advocate for increased funding for law enforcement agencies in rural areas to uphold the conservative values of maintaining law and order.

    • Support community-driven policing strategies that encourage cooperation between law enforcement and residents, respecting individual liberties.

    • Promote local, faith-based, and non-profit initiatives to address mental health and substance abuse issues, reducing the reliance on government intervention.